

The annual nightmare began each Ash Wednesday, when I found myself another year further into the darkness of adolescence and agnosticism. Was it getting smeared with ashes that I dreaded, or was it the upcoming extra hours in this huge, stale box? I’d trudge up the...
Riding the Wake of the Yo-Yo

Riding the Wake of the Yo-Yo

Cancer is pretty much ubiquitous these days. Watch the commercials during any t.v. show if in doubt. We all know someone who has cancer, who’s died of cancer, who’s survived cancer. It hovers around us like—well—like a cancer. But it’s much different when it knocks on...
Shooting Spree

Shooting Spree

The photo above was taken on March 10, 2017, at the annual fundraiser for the Laura Wilcox Scholarship Fund. Sponsored by SRYCL, this quiz show  draws hundreds from throughout California, where we have fun, honor Laura’s memory, and raise funds to support young...

Two Factions Two Problems

“Everyone sees the world through his own green bottle.” –Stefan Novak The obvious struck me recently, when I was feeling worn down from the tension in our nation, tension that trickles down into friendships and familial relationships so effectively that our now right...