by Carolyn M. Crane | Oct 17, 2016 |
Just as Nut Swallowed the Sun Saw a resurrected Crepuscular blue Rag-top Falcon, ’62 Can’t be certain But I do believe Bumper sticker read “Ankh if you love Isis” –Robert Lee Haycock This paragraph from...
by Carolyn M. Crane | Sep 14, 2016 |
For the last eight years, whenever some pundit or politico has referred to Barack Obama as a socialist, I have heard another word entirely. Obama is no more a socialist than is my front door, so when people say that, I hear something much uglier. It starts with an “n”...
by Carolyn M. Crane | Aug 5, 2016 |
I had been reading Huysman’s À rebours. If memory serves it was my ceramics teacher, Irv Tepper, who lent me his copy. (Irv had also xeroxed a bootleg of Raymond Carver’s Will You Please Be Quiet, Please? for me and insisted I read it. Thanks, Irv.) À...
by Leha Carpenter | Dec 15, 2015 |
I learned the meaning of the word ecumenical as so many of us learn words, through context. I was a senior at San Francisco State in 1983, predictably an English major. Our classes were housed in the old cinderblock Humanities building right on 19th Avenue, on the...